JEE Chemistry
Hybridization of I3

Hybridization of I3

The I3 molecule is known as a triiodide ion. It is an anion composed of three iodine atoms with a negative charge. 

1.0Hybridization of Triiodide Ion

Hybridization of I3 ion involves the iodine atoms, which exhibit a form of hybridization that leads to the linear molecular structure of the ion. Hybridization is a concept in molecular orbital theory that explains the mixing of atomic orbitals to form new, hybrid orbitals that are suitable for bonding in a molecule. In the case of  I3, the iodine atoms utilize a type of Hybridization of I3 ion known as sp3d hybridization.

In this section, we will discuss the hybridization of I3 and how to find the hybridization of  I3 along with its important characteristics.

2.0Explain Hybridization of Triiodide Ion

Let’s discuss the hybridization for I3 Atomic Orbitals in detail : 

Each iodine atom in  I3 contributes one of its 5p orbitals to form a set of three sp3d  hybrid orbitals. These hybrid orbitals are involved in the sigma (σ) bonds, which are the single covalent bonds between the iodine atoms.

Formation of Sigma Bonds: The three iodine atoms are linked by sigma (σ) bonds and the molecular orbitals formed by the overlap of these hybrid orbitals contribute to the linear structure of the triiodide ion.

Delocalized Electrons: The negative charge (−1) in the triiodide ion is associated with the presence of an extra electron, resulting in a more delocalized electron cloud across the molecule.

Hybridization of central iodine atom in  I3 

If the molecular structure of I3 involves three equatorial lone pairs on the central iodine atom and the terminal iodines are bonded axially in a linear shape, this would lead to a trigonal bipyramidal arrangement. In trigonal bipyramidal geometry, the hybridization of I in I3 would be sp3d.

3.0Important Characteristic of Triiodide Ion (I3 )

  • The triiodide ion, denoted as I3, is a fascinating chemical species composed of three iodine atoms arranged in a linear molecular structure. 
  • This polyatomic anion carries a negative charge (−1) due to the acquisition of an extra electron by one of the iodine atoms, rendering it stable with a closed-shell electron configuration. 
  • Triiodide ions are often formed in chemical reactions involving iodine and reducing agents, and their solutions exhibit distinctive colors, ranging from red-brown to dark brown. 

Let’s see what kind of chemical bonding involves in triiodide (I3 )-

4.0Bonding in Triiodide (I3 )

The triiodide ion, I3, is formed by the combination of three iodine atoms. The bonding in  I3involves covalent bonds between the iodine atoms. Here's a more detailed explanation :

Bonding in Triiodide

  • Number of Electrons: Iodine has seven electrons in its outer shell. In the formation of ​I3, one iodine atom donates an electron, resulting in a total of eight electrons around each iodine atom.
  • Covalent Bonding: Each iodine atom in I3 is bonded to the adjacent iodine atoms through single covalent bonds. Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms to achieve a stable electron configuration.
  • Molecular Structure: The triiodide ion ( I3) has a linear molecular geometry. The three iodine atoms are arranged in a straight line, and each iodine is bonded to the adjacent iodines.

Triiodide Molecular Structure

  • Charge: The triiodide ion carries a net negative charge (−1). This charge is due to the extra electron that one of the iodine atoms gained during the formation of the ion.
  • Delocalized Electrons: In I3​, the negative charge is not localized on a specific iodine atom. Instead, it is delocalized over the entire molecule, contributing to the stability of the ion.
Frequently Asked Questions

I3− exhibits covalent bonding between the iodine atoms, forming single covalent bonds.

The triiodide ion has a linear molecular structure, where three iodine atoms are arranged in a straight line, Thus hybridization and structure of I3 are sp3d and Linear.

The triiodide ion is often formed in chemical reactions involving iodine (I2) and reducing agents, where one iodine atom gains an extra electron, resulting in the I3− ion. Hybridization of iodine is sp3d.

(Session 2024 - 25)

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